How to make agile work as a developer? (Pt. 1)
Today I came across a very thought provoking post about why scrum / agile doesn’t work in most of the company in Taiwan1. In essence, the author make a point...
Today I came across a very thought provoking post about why scrum / agile doesn’t work in most of the company in Taiwan1. In essence, the author make a point...
近排香港啲統治者好似short左咁連自己母語都唔敢認。唔知幾時我地會怕到連自己母語都敢講唔敢寫。我個人好衰,越唔俾做越唔make sense 嘅規則越會去打破。咁我幾中意寫野,寫野可以令我飛黎飛去嘅思想理順一下。一路寫一路可以諗清楚自己想講咩,想講一個點嘅故仔或者令人明白一個點嘅concept。
From time to time, we have to check if something is finished, or a particular script has been loaded successfully in the browser, we would make use of the se...
In our previous article, we have discovered GPU programming in the most unexpected place - an API of a SaaS product. It is the JQL of Mixpanel. And in this ...
Mixpanel had been a crucial tool in my previous 2 startup jobs. We have to compile a lot of different views for our team to make decision based on the Mixpan...