The day I was humbled by a SEN student
Last Wednesday, a group of students with special educational needs (SEN) visited our campus. They brought us their noise, excitement and fickleness. During t...
Last Wednesday, a group of students with special educational needs (SEN) visited our campus. They brought us their noise, excitement and fickleness. During t...
我早幾日聽到連開鎖佬都識ChatGPT,生成式AI依加真係大勢所趨。用左生成式AI咁耐,佢同平時啲軟件唔一樣,同樣嘅input,每一次都有會好唔一樣嘅output。咁嘅特性令生成式AI會有幻覺 :「hallucination」-即係會產生一啲喺現實世界根本唔存在嘅「資訊」。例如我問生成式AI「行路過英倫海峽嘅世界...
今日係大德肋撒(St Theresa de Avila)嘅feast day. 我睇佢嘅自傳真係學到野又感受好深。冒昧分享一下,有錯嘅話可以指證🙏🏻。
Introduction I feel exceedingly pressured as I am choosing a kindergarten for my son. This is one of the first few major decisions for my son. It will have a...