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自由 繼續上篇嘅寬恕,我諗我嘅思緒都係走唔出依個主題。無論係老一輩嘅六月,同我地嘅六月,都係追求緊一個字:自由。我係有啲深入啲嘅諗法,又分享一下,等上一篇關於寬恕嘅文章完整啲。

less than 1 minute read

Positively Negative

3 minute read

Do you find you simply cannot get things done with some of your colleagues? They may always drift away from the main topic in the meetings, or find faults in...

5 books that inspired me in 2021

4 minute read

I am a bit late to the party this year. I have selected 5 books that I read in 2021 and share it here. The books on this list have given me a very different ...