我早幾日聽到連開鎖佬都識ChatGPT,生成式AI依加真係大勢所趨。用左生成式AI咁耐,佢同平時啲軟件唔一樣,同樣嘅input,每一次都有會好唔一樣嘅output。咁嘅特性令生成式AI會有幻覺 :「hallucination」-即係會產生一啲喺現實世界根本唔存在嘅「資訊」。例如我問生成式AI「行路過英倫海峽嘅世界...
我早幾日聽到連開鎖佬都識ChatGPT,生成式AI依加真係大勢所趨。用左生成式AI咁耐,佢同平時啲軟件唔一樣,同樣嘅input,每一次都有會好唔一樣嘅output。咁嘅特性令生成式AI會有幻覺 :「hallucination」-即係會產生一啲喺現實世界根本唔存在嘅「資訊」。例如我問生成式AI「行路過英倫海峽嘅世界...
Do you find you simply cannot get things done with some of your colleagues? They may always drift away from the main topic in the meetings, or find faults in...
On a bicycle ride last Saturday morning, I was T-boned by a Toyota minivan. Before the crash, I had been in a pretty good shape. I was averaging 180W. The te...
In this world of turmoil and uncertainty, with a fervent and fruitful discussion with my colleagues who are super into cryptocurrency, I finally make sense o...
In this world of turmoil and uncertainty, with a fervent and fruitful discussion with my colleagues who are super into cryptocurrency, I finally make sense o...
In this world of turmoil and uncertainty, with a fervent and fruitful discussion with my colleagues who are super into cryptocurrency, I finally make sense o...
Recently, we have a lot of discussions around microservice . At GOGOVAN, with a relatively small engineering team, how exactly do we apply the microservice p...
Recently, we have a lot of discussions around microservice . At GOGOVAN, with a relatively small engineering team, how exactly do we apply the microservice p...
Everyone use some kinds of project management tools to get things done. The space is HOT. There are some newcomers such as Notion and Airtable. Most of the c...
Everyone use some kinds of project management tools to get things done. The space is HOT. There are some newcomers such as Notion and Airtable. Most of the c...
I am a bit late to the party this year. I have selected 5 books that I read in 2021 and share it here. The books on this list have given me a very different ...
I am a bit late to the party this year. I have selected 5 books that I read in 2021 and share it here. The books on this list have given me a very different ...
Do you find you simply cannot get things done with some of your colleagues? They may always drift away from the main topic in the meetings, or find faults in...
Introduction I feel exceedingly pressured as I am choosing a kindergarten for my son. This is one of the first few major decisions for my son. It will have a...
Introduction I feel exceedingly pressured as I am choosing a kindergarten for my son. This is one of the first few major decisions for my son. It will have a...
Introduction I feel exceedingly pressured as I am choosing a kindergarten for my son. This is one of the first few major decisions for my son. It will have a...
Introduction I feel exceedingly pressured as I am choosing a kindergarten for my son. This is one of the first few major decisions for my son. It will have a...
今日係大德肋撒(St Theresa de Avila)嘅feast day. 我睇佢嘅自傳真係學到野又感受好深。冒昧分享一下,有錯嘅話可以指證🙏🏻。
今日係大德肋撒(St Theresa de Avila)嘅feast day. 我睇佢嘅自傳真係學到野又感受好深。冒昧分享一下,有錯嘅話可以指證🙏🏻。
今日係大德肋撒(St Theresa de Avila)嘅feast day. 我睇佢嘅自傳真係學到野又感受好深。冒昧分享一下,有錯嘅話可以指證🙏🏻。
Last Wednesday, a group of students with special educational needs (SEN) visited our campus. They brought us their noise, excitement and fickleness. During t...