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How to make agile work as a developer? (Pt. 2)

1 minute read

Previously in Pt. 1, we have discussed why developers in Hong Kong or Taiwan think scrum is not working for them and one of the tactics on how to start the d...

How to make agile work as a developer? (Pt. 1)

1 minute read

Today I came across a very thought provoking post about why scrum / agile doesn’t work in most of the company in Taiwan1. In essence, the author make a point...


less than 1 minute read

近排香港啲統治者好似short左咁連自己母語都唔敢認。唔知幾時我地會怕到連自己母語都敢講唔敢寫。我個人好衰,越唔俾做越唔make sense 嘅規則越會去打破。咁我幾中意寫野,寫野可以令我飛黎飛去嘅思想理順一下。一路寫一路可以諗清楚自己想講咩,想講一個點嘅故仔或者令人明白一個點嘅concept。